Runny stools in pets can have many causes and the best person to advise you on the cause and the most appropriate treatment is your veterinarian. PetScripts only sells products to people who hold a valid prescription from their vet and we do not give veterinary advise or make recommendations. If you can't get to your usual vet, you might like to use a mobile vet service such as PAWSSUM ( who offer in home veterinary care. PAWSSUM vets make house calls and take the time they need to focus solely on your pets needs and well being in the comfort of your own home. Other options include contacting an online vet such as Online Pet Scripts ( or Your Vet Online ( who will be happy to provide an Online Consultation , and if appropriate, provide a prescription for your pet (The Your Vet Online online consult fee is $49.95 and a script is $30. Your Vet Online is registered Australia wide, operate 24/7 and handles all species). Please be aware that the online vets such as Your Vet Online will need to virtually examine your pet (usually via a video call) and will only provide a prescription if they are satisfied that this is the appropriate treatment for your pet.